Book List

September 02, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Books I've Read


I didn't always love to read. I used to hate it, and I used to avoid it at all costs. I'd instead go outside, shoot guns, drag Main street, chase girls, or anything but read a book. But, one day I clicked on a video from Tai Lopez (That's embarrassing to admit) that said if you want to get rich, then you have to read books. A little voice in my head said: "I like money" (a reference to the move Idocracy LOL). Anyways, after a while, I started to listen to his advice. He is pretty much right after all. I read a study that found that most C Level employees (CEO, CFO, etc.) all read dozens of books a year. It wasn't long after I began reading regularly that my income started to rise. It helps to be intentional about the books you read. I don't believe that fantasy fiction books will help you become a better leader or innovator. I do, however know that many of the world's great leaders and thinkers have written down what they know to share it with all of us. It's like Tai said, books are like having a mentor on your shelf just waiting for you to learn its secrets. If you let them lessons change your life, you'll be better for it. 

IMG_0083Me and a few good books

Now, I'm more outspoken than ever about how much I read. I have even started a book club to give the kids a reason to read nonfiction books. That way they can experience a small win right away. According to James Clear in his book, Atomic Habits, small wins are a great way to start and maintain good habits. Small wins help the brain to recognize that it wants to do that again. Lately, many of my friends have asked me about books I've read and what I'd recommend. I've been trying to respond to each inquiry carefully, but I realize that I'm giving undue weight to the books I've read more recently. So, I thought it would be better to create a list that I could share with everyone who wants to know what books I've read. This list also has notes written to potential readers so they can get a feel for what I've gained (or not gained) from each book. 


Without further ado, here's a link to the books I've read: Olie's Book List


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